Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My love

Something you probably wouldn't have guessed about me is that I write poetry. I'm not the best at it but it is a great way to open up and let your feelings out, or to just simply write a story. Here's my favorite one that I've written so far.

My love

Since the first time I saw you I knew
my life would never be the same
you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen
and I didn't even know your name.

Your sparkly blue eyes took me by surprise
your silky smooth lips locked my gaze
and your jaw was so strongly shaped
your features put me in a haze.

I couldn't be prepared for the feeling I got
when you walked up and talked to me
you smiled and said, “You are beautiful”
I thought you were to good to be

And after two months I was madly in love
I can't believe it happened so fast
you were all my world, my stars, my sky
and I never remembered my past.

When a year had passed we moved in together
you told me you'd love me forever
I felt like the only girl in the world
you told me I would worry never.

Two months later we were on the couch
and I was wrapped up in your arms
I was so comfy in your loving embrace
you always knew how to keep me warm

You carefully adjusted to set me aside
and smoothly got down on your knee
you told me how much you loved me
then asked, “Will you marry me?”

Of course I accepted no questions asked
and you placed the ring on my finger
and I could have sworn when you kissed me
I heard our own personal singer

We married, had kids, and the whole shebang
and then you were sent off to war
I couldn't accept this dreaded news
it felt wrong down to my core

I begged you to stay, to never leave me
and you said, “I'll always be here.”
then you kissed me and picked up your bag
as you left I felt stinging fear

You were there for six months, but it felt like years
though you talked to us all that you could
I was always so scared you would never come home
but you always would promise you would

I waited and waited and waited some more
then someone knocked on the door
and I screamed, “How could you do this to me?
You never broke a promise before!”

It was then that I realized you'd never come home
you'd never see your babies grow
and I'd never have you to hold me again
and say, “Babe I love you, you know.”

I know that I should be grateful
for the times that I did share with you
but all that I am is hateful
that there is nothing more to do

The kids were both just way too young
to really understand
all I could say is, “Daddy loves you,
and he's gone to a better land.”

The both kind of smiled and Kylie said
“Well when is he coming back?”
it broke my heart to have to tell them
my whole was starting to crack

And I looked into their big blue eyes
thanking god you gave them to me
I'm so grateful I have two big pieces of you
that every day I can come home to see

And now I am sitting here up in our bed
and it's getting late, almost eleven
and I'm asking to god to answer my prayers
so I can see you some day up in heaven

and every night I look up at the stars
remembering how we had dared
to have so much passion in one little marriage
and all of the love that we shared

All I can say is I love you
and that's for always and forever
I promise to take care of the kids
and that I will forget you never.

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